KBGI Elite Referral Program

Whether You are wealthy or struggling financially, KBGI is truly your Passport to

Financial Freedom. We believe our opportunities shouldn’t only benefit us, but they should benefit the masses!


We understand as exciting and lucrative as KBGI Residual Income Opportunity is, not everyone is in a position to invest with Us, but Everyone has contacts or access to people who can afford to invest.


At KBGI, We aim to offer opportunities to Investors and Non-Investors alike. It’s our pleasure to introduce our KBGI Elite Referral Program to You!


Our Elite Program affords Non-Investors the Opportunity to obtain Financial Freedom by connecting their family, friends, and colleagues with KBGI. Elite Members instantly earn 5% or $5,000 depending on the value of the Asset purchased. It is free and as simple as A, B, C. Let’s take a closer look.


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1. It will guarantee regular income in foreign currency.

2. This can be undertaken from the comfort of your hone.

3. It gives Elite members a sincere opportunity to obtain financial freedom.

4. It gives Elite members the opportunity to determine how much they want their take-home to be daily, weekly, monthly, yearly as it pleases them.

5. It guarantees automatic employment.

6. It helps Elite members to focus on other things that matter to them, e.g. further the studies.

7. The United States Dollars is a strong and consistently increasing in value compared to the currency of many countries of the world.